Monthly Archives: January 2019

Evers Delivers WI State of State Address

Democratic Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers gave his State of the State Address Tuesday and called on the Republican-controlled Legislature to scale back a corporate-tax credit to pay for reducing income taxes, make sacrifices to find a bipartisan transportation plan and work together to bolster spending for schools. Additionally, Evers sent Attorney General Josh Kaul a […]

Register Now For Resolve Employee Conflicts Seminar

Registration is now open for the MWFPA 2019 leadership series seminar, “Resolve Employee Conflict” to be held February 14, 2019.  Read a complete course description here. Conflict resolution is a daily occurrence at work that can either propel or disrupt the momentum for a leader, a team or the entire organization. The workplace can become […]

What Is The 2019 Food And Beverage Industry Outlook?

For the food industry, 2018 saw two seemingly far-off topics – cannabis ingredients and cultured meat – brought to the here and now. There also was some serious realignment of the largest companies. In the past, most purchases brought the acquirer into new markets, but several deals toward the end of 2018 saw big companies […]

Crucial Federal Food Safety Inspections, Recalls, Continue Despite Shutdown

As the partial shutdown of the federal government drags on, impacts at U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and elsewhere in the government are building, affecting everything from trade aid payments to implementation of the 2018 Farm Bill.  However,  even though the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the Food and Drug Administration are […]

GMO Answers Says It Will Take Questions On Biotech Labeling Rule

GMO Answers, an industry-supported organization that favors genetic modification, urged “those with questions” about the Agriculture Department’s biotechnology disclosure rule announced in December to send them to the private organization for a response. USDA published its rule on Dec. 21 and it is scheduled to go into effect on Feb. 19, with implementation by Jan. […]

USDA Releases GMO Labeling Rules

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released the final federal GMO labeling rule. The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard requires food manufacturers, importers and certain retailers to label foods containing genetically modified or bioengineered ingredients. To make the required disclosure, food producers have four options: text on the label; a symbol; an electronic […]